Formare attends the Third Transnational Meeting of MARMED Project in Athens, Greece

On April 9 and 10, 2024, ForMare – National Pole for Shipping participated in the third Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ MARMED Project, which took place at the Metropolitan College in Athens, Greece.

MarMED project aims at bridging the gap between the existing needs and the current skillset of Maritime Cluster Managers ensuring the re-skilling and up-skilling for an innovative professional Profile toward an increased competitiveness of the Maritime Cluster in the Mediterranean area and, overall, the boosting of innovation and sustainable growth in the Blue Economy sector. 

Under the coordination of ForMare, the Consortium gather together 5 Clusters from Italy, Greece, Portugal and Tunisia of the WestMED Cluster Alliance, an initiative aimed at promoting dialogue between maritime clusters and supported by the WestMED Initiative: Cluster BIG – Blue Italian Growth, Federazione del Mare (Associated Partner), Strategis – Maritime ICT Cluster, Fórum Oceano, Cluster Maritime Tunisien (Associated Partner); as well as training centers and research organizations from Italy, Greece and Malta, operating in the Blue Economy sector: OGS, Metropolitan College, MaritimeMT, DLTM – Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine Scrl (Associated Partner).

The meeting represented a great opportunity to discuss the project results achieved so far and the next steps to be taken. All participants provided valuable input to ensure the success of the project activities. In the frame of the meeting, the Consortium took the opportunity to discuss the organization of the Blue Cluster Manager Training, a free piloting course aimed at bridging the gap between industry needs and the current skills of maritime cluster managers.

For more information on the Blue Cluster Manager Training, visit the dedicated page:

We take the opportunity to thank all project partners for their commitment and for the cooperative environment created during this Transnational Meeting. Teamwork and shared efforts are always the key to achieve the best results! We also take this opportunity to thank Metropolitan College for their warm welcome and hospitality during these days.

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