ForMare attended the Training Session organized by UfM presenting the ERASMUS+ Project MARMED

On October 25th, Fabrizio Monticelli attended the Training Session “Access EU funding for your Blue Economy Project: Capacity building session on project proposal development”, organized by Union for the Mediterranean in Jordan. The aim of the panel was to present practical examples from different European funded projects involving partners from ‘southern Med’ countries. 

In this context, Fabrizio Monticelli presented the Erasmus+ Project MARMED – MARitime cluster Management Education Development which aims at bridging the gap between the existing needs and the current skillset of Maritime Cluster Managers ensuring the re-skilling and up-skilling for an innovative professional profile toward an increased competitiveness of the Maritime Cluster in the Mediterranean area and, overall, the boosting of innovation and sustainable growth in the Blue Economy sector. 

MARMED is a product of the West Med Cluster Alliance Cooperation and on the work of the West MED Technical Group on Blue Skills in the context of the West Med Initiative Sea basin policy group.

The Consortium is led by ForMare, as VET provider with an extensive experience in Blue Economy. The partnership is also composed by 3 Cluster Organizations involved in the blue economy sector in the Mediterranean region, coming from Italy, Portugal and Greece; 2 Education Organisations with focus on blue economy, from Greece and Malta; 1 Public Research Centre active on the theme of Blue Economy. In addition, there are also 3 Maritime Clusters collaborating as Associated Partners. 

The training session was a success and we wish good luck for the future project proposals of all attendees.