Festival of Diplomacy – ForMare presents the ERASMUS+ Project SkillSea

On October 28, Lidia Rossi has presented the project SkillSea – Future Proof Skills in the Maritime Sector during the webinar “Increase Gender Balance in EU Shipping”, organized in the frame of the Festival of Diplomacy. 

The SkillSea Project aims at fostering the cooperation at European level between the maritime industry, education and training providers and Authorities in order to develop a Skills’ Sustainable Strategy for maritime professionals that is future proof, adaptable and attractive. 

The project, funded under the Erasmus+ Programme, is coordinated by the Dutch Partner STC Group, with the participation of 27 partners from 16 European Countries, including European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and ETF.

The Festival of Diplomacy has represented indeed a great opportunity to raise awareness on the relevance of the project and on the importance of gender balance in the maritime sector due to the presence of relevant speakers and participants, as for instance shipping companies, members of the European Commission and Embassies, and due to the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

You can rewatch the workshop at this link.