Erasmus+ Project MARMED has finally started its journey

We are delighted to announce that our new ERASMUS+ project MarMED – MARitime cluster Management Education Development has started its journey. Under the coordination of ForMare – Polo Nazionale per lo Shipping, the virtual KickOff meeting took place on the 19th of January 2023. Partners had the opportunity to introduce themselves and discuss the main features of the project.

The MarMED project aims at bridging the gap between the existing needs and the current skillset of Maritime Cluster Managers ensuring the re-skilling and up-skilling for an innovative professional Profile toward an increased competitiveness of the Maritime Cluster in the Mediterranean area and, overall, the boosting of innovation and sustainable growth in the Blue Economy sector.

Among the consortium, there are 5 Clusters from Italy, Greece, Portugal and Tunisia of the WestMED Cluster Alliance, an initiative aimed at promoting dialogue between maritime clusters and supported by the WestMED Initiative: Cluster BIG – Blue Italian Growth, Federazione del Mare (Associated Partner), Strategis – Maritime ICT Cluster, Fórum Oceano, Cluster Maritime Tunisien (Associated Partner); as well as training centers and research organizations from Italy, Greece and Malta, operating in the blue economy sector: OGS, Metropolitan College, MaritimeMT, DLTM – Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine (Associated Partner).

Stay Tuned for more!